Battle Abbey Gatehouse

This building seems to have been built some considerable time before the battle of Hastings on 14 October 1066.  Ten years later it was described as 'the house of the pilgrims which is called The Hospital' and was adjoining the gate of the abbey founded by William I (1066-87) on the site of his victory over King Harold at the battle of Senlac or Hastings as it became to be known.

The bulk of the hospital now consists of 2 walls built into the western extension of the abbey gatehouse.  In the north wall and 2 very small Romanesque lights, one on each surviving floor.  The much rebuilt west wall contains the blocked remnants of a Romanesque doorway on what may have been the second floor.  The rubble around the old opening suggests that it may have been moved, though why it should have been rebuilt in its current position is anyone's guess.


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